Monday, April 8, 2013

Worth 1000

Pictures taken around the house during planting months are such a help when thinking about where to plant what when the time comes.

Last summer I took pictures throughout the day on a wonderful sunny early July day. I attempted to take pictures every 4 hrs so I could see where the sun was and be able to add up total sun hrs for various locations.

Unfortunately July is all I got and I blew off getting any pictures for the remaining of the year.  Adding to this, with the removal of all the blackberry canes, I have much more light to areas that were either inaccessible or too covered for planting.

I am lying in wait now for sunny days where I am able to capture sun in the yard.  This year Im hoping to get days in each month from April to Oct.  This way when planning gardening spots next year I am more prepared.

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